So it’s time to go through the software I use , I’ve used and that I know something of. So those into to graphics , video , photo , web , 3d , animation , sound , music , linux , open source etc. etc. etc. etc. Here is what drives these things. For those not ready to read longer stuff, which you absolutely should, it’s good for you. There is a workflow example video on my youtube channel @mimave-design-photo with some of the software in real use. Linux media workflow

In a digital world you can’t do anything without the more or less intrigate conglamorates of code that twist and turn the to us visual, aural etc. manifestations. First a voyage to bits and then to make wonderful things and combinations with these bits that in the end of their path meet our eyes, ears and feelings and we can again experience those bits as something real. Is that absolutely fantastic when you think about it, or what? Ok enough of the semi philosophical chitchat.

I’m mainly a Linuxian, been using Linux for quite some years now. So this, as you might quess, has some impact on my software decisions. I do also use Win, if I have to, and Android and Ios, but the more I use Linux the more I love it.

I’ve used Ubuntu Studio as my main operating system since 14.04 and I’ve been happy. Most of the problems have come from dual booting to Win or Nvidia stuff. (aka windows or Nvidia breaking things 😉) Ok enough rant. With Ubuntu studio you get all the media software you need out of the box and if you need more there is more, but the software..


The best software I’ve used and I like most for digital photo development and file management is Darktable. It’s an absolutely ingredibly fantastic software, there is always something new to take you to the next level, but it’s also convenient and has great usability also.

Pixel twisting

If I need to twist and turn and blend image pixels in a more drastic way I use Gimp, great software this also. I also use Krita (more for digiart) the brush/painting side of it is more developed than in Gimp.


Before I used Blender for video editing also, but with more 4k-material it became quite difficult, so I took a another look at Kdenlive and have not been wanting another video editor since then. So I use mainly Kdenlive for video now. My previous excursion to Kdenlive ended up in frustration. The version/combo I used then was unstable even if the software was great, but with the newer versions I’ve used a couple of years now there have been no issues or very few. Kdenlive is simple, but has enough complexity for most situations and when you need more you can always dive into the brilliance of Blender. More of Blender below. FFmpeg is also a part of my video workflow . Joining the timelapse images developed in Darktable, cropping, changing codecs, bitrates etc. ffmpeg does that. It’s a command line tool and very powerful, many other software depend on it also. I’ve also used SlowmoVideo. It’s a software that tries to calculate images between images. If you don’t have enough flops (fps 😉) you can try to do slowmo even though. It also functions as a way to do the timelapses. There is a lot of testing still to do to get the most out of it for my part at least and I have not used in a while now. Have found better wokflows, but perhaps a new look someday? It can’t do miracles, but it can do things…


Blender is absolutely incredibly fantastically amazing, almost anything you can think of, you can do with Blender and a lot more. Graphics, animation, video, 3d design etc. etc. If you are creative, but don’t have oceans of cash Blender is just the thing for you. As it is so multifaceted the learning curve is quite steep though, but you get value for your investment and patience. I’ve done animation, video, edit, graphics character creation, 3d design etc. etc. with Blender. And the extremely great aspect with Blender is that there is a lot of tutorials etc. on the web, so… There is also Meshroom (photogrammetry) and Meshlab that I’ve used/use.

Graphic Design

I really enjoy using Inkscape and if I can do the things with Inkscape I often do even if Gimp etc. would be more suitable for pixels. The great thing about Inkscape is the SVG. I think Svg is absolutely fantastic, it’s so versatile and it can be also used as code (also for animation), imported in to Blender for example for 3d/animation etc. It’s fantastic! And as I’m not the best draughtsman on this earth, it’s much easier for me to move the points/vertexes, twist the curves and flip the planes… The form language is quite universal. After doing some 3d-design studies I’ve even developed my graphic design capabilites in Blender. Blenders 3d-environment can be used in many ways also in graphics design… For layout and pdf-stuff I use Scribus and been happy with it.


For audio I mostly use Ardour. It’s an absolutely fantastic DAW (digital audio workstation). For video sound Kdenlive can do a lot. So if you have the field sound from multiple sources you can do the mixing, syncing, editing also in Kdenlive. Audacity I mainly use for it’s noise cancelling and I do my mid-side raw conversions in Audacity. Sound/instrument wise I use mostly the Calf plugins, Yoshimi syntheziser, Hydrogen for drums, RackaRack for the guitars etc.

Programming/Software development related

I used Bluefish as my main IDE for quite a while, which I was happy with, but aim to try to use something else now, but Bluefish is always there also… As for development my main skills lies in css, html and to a degree in WordPress related php and also some JS. I have some skills also in Python (Django), software design, UI/UX, management/planning, security etc. But I’m no real coding expert and my interest lie mainly in embedding and using media, animation etc. as part of web…

The non Linux software I know/used

I’ve used many of Adobes software (illustrator, lightroom, after effects, premiere, photoshop, Xd). Some 3d-related software I’ve used Solidworks, Fusion 360 and Unity. There are of course tons of other software I’ve used during the years, but the more you use software that is build with passion and with the love for the specific field/area of knowledge the more you enjoy the Linux/open source stuff.